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ip-route-show: Display the routing cache.
$ ip route show cache
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The command "ip route show cache" is used to display the routing cache table in Linux systems.

In a computer network, routing is the process of determining the path or route for network packets to reach their destination. When a packet is sent from one host to another, the routing table is consulted to determine the next hop or router that the packet should be forwarded to.

The routing cache is a temporary storage area that keeps track of recently used routes to optimize routing performance. It stores information about previously resolved routes, including the destination network, the next hop router, and other related parameters. By caching recently used routes, the system can avoid recomputing the routes each time a packet is sent, improving overall network performance.

The command "ip route show cache" displays the content of this routing cache table. It shows the cached routes along with their associated parameters such as destination network, gateway, source, and time to live (TTL) value. The information displayed can help administrators troubleshoot routing issues or analyze the routing behavior of the system.

Note that this command requires administrative privileges or root access to execute.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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