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ip-route-show: List routes within a given scope.
$ ip route show scope link
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The command "ip route show scope link" is used to display the routing table entries for routes that have a scope of "link".

In networking, a routing table is a data structure that contains the information about how to reach different networks or hosts. Each entry in the routing table represents a specific route or path to a destination network or host.

The "scope" parameter in the command specifies the range or level of the routes to be displayed. In this case, "link" is the scope specified, which means that only the routes associated with a specific network link or interface will be shown.

So, when you run the command "ip route show scope link", it will display the routing table entries that are specific to the network interfaces (links) of your system. This can include information about IP addresses, netmasks, gateway addresses, and other relevant details for the routes associated with those link scopes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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