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ip-route-show: List routes from a given device only.
$ ip route show dev ${eth0}
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The command "ip route show dev ${eth0}" is used to display the routing information specifically for the network device (interface) with the name "eth0".


  • "ip route" is a command-line tool used in Linux to view and manipulate the IP routing table.
  • "show" is the option used to display the routing information.
  • "dev" is another option specified to filter the output by a specific network device.
  • "${eth0}" is a placeholder that implies the value of the environment variable "eth0" will be substituted at runtime.

Overall, this command shows the routing table entries associated with the network interface "eth0", giving information about destinations, gateways, and other relevant settings related to the routing of IP packets on that specific interface.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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