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ip-route: Change or replace a static route.
$ sudo ip route ${select} ${destination_ip} via ${gateway_ip} dev ${eth0}
try on your machine

This command uses the "ip route" command under the "sudo" (superuser do) privilege to add or modify a routing table entry in Linux systems.

Let's break down the command and its parameters:

  • "sudo" is a command that allows a user with administrative privileges to execute a command as a superuser.
  • "ip route" is a Linux command used to manage the IP routing table.
  • "${select}" refers to an option that you need to replace with a specific keyword or value. It is not a predefined parameter.
  • "${destination_ip}" is the IP address of the destination network or host you want to reach.
  • "via" specifies that the next hop to reach the destination is via a specific gateway.
  • "${gateway_ip}" is the IP address of the gateway you want to use to reach the destination network or host.
  • "dev ${eth0}" specifies the network interface (in this case, "eth0") to use for reaching the destination.

To use this command, you would replace "${select}" with an appropriate keyword or value (e.g., "add" to add a new route, "change" to modify an existing route, or "del" to delete a route). You would also replace "${destination_ip}" with the actual IP address of the destination network or host, "${gateway_ip}" with the IP address of the gateway, and "${eth0}" with the network interface name you want to use.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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