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ip-rule: Restore all rules from a file.
$ ip rule restore < ${path-to-ip_rules-dat}
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The command "ip rule restore < ${path-to-ip_rules-dat}" is used to restore IP rules from a file called "ip_rules.dat" or any other file specified by the variable "path-to-ip_rules-dat".


  • "ip rule" is a command in the Linux network configuration tool called "ip". It is used for manipulating the routing policy database and IP rules.
  • "restore" is an argument of the "ip rule" command. It tells the command to restore IP rules from a file.
  • "<" is a shell redirection operator that redirects the content of the file specified (in this case, "ip_rules.dat") as the input for the command.
  • "${path-to-ip_rules-dat}" is a variable that holds the path to the file "ip_rules.dat". The actual path should be provided when running this command.

Overall, this command reads the content of the "ip_rules.dat" file or any specified file and uses it to restore IP rules using the "ip rule" command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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