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ip-rule: Add a new rule based on packet destination addresses.
$ sudo ip rule add to ${192-168-178-2-32}
try on your machine

The command you shared is used to add an IP routing rule to the Linux kernel's routing table using the "ip" command with "rule" option, and it is executed with superuser privileges using "sudo".

Let's break down the command:

  • "sudo": It stands for SuperUser DO and is used to execute the subsequent command with elevated privileges. By using "sudo", you gain administrative permissions to modify system settings and perform actions that a regular user would not be authorized to do.

  • "ip": It is a command-line utility in Linux used to manage and manipulate network interfaces, IP addresses, and routing tables.

  • "rule": It is an option for the "ip" command that deals with the routing policy database, allowing you to add, delete, or modify routing rules.

  • "add": This flag instructs the "ip rule" command to add a new routing rule to the system's routing table.

  • "to ${192-168-178-2-32}": This part specifies the destination IP address range for the routing rule. However, the notation ${192-168-178-2-32} appears to be incorrect or incomplete. In a valid IP address, the numbers are separated by periods (e.g.,, but within this command, they are separated with hyphens, which is an incorrect format.

To use this command correctly, you should replace ${192-168-178-2-32} with a valid destination IP address or IP address range.

Here is an example of a corrected command: sudo ip rule add to

In this example, the command is adding a routing rule for the destination IP address with a subnet mask of 32 bits.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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