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ip-rule: Add a new rule based on packet source addresses.
$ sudo ip rule add from ${192-168-178-2-32}
try on your machine

This command adds a new rule to the IP routing table using the "ip rule" command in a Unix-like operating system. The "sudo" keyword is used to run the command with administrative privileges.

The "add" keyword is used to add a new rule to the routing table.

The "from" keyword specifies the source IP address from which the rule applies. In this case, the IP address specified is "${192-168-178-2-32}". It appears that there may be a typographical error or some sort of variable that should be replaced with a valid IP address.

The IP address "${192-168-178-2-32}" seems to be attempting to represent a range of IP addresses with all the addresses from to However, this is not the correct syntax for specifying a range of IP addresses.

To correctly specify a range of IP addresses, the IP address range should be represented using the CIDR notation. For example, if you want to specify the range from to, you would use the CIDR notation as follows: "".

So, the correct command to add a rule for a range of IP addresses from to would be: "sudo ip rule add from".

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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