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ip-rule: Flush all deleted rules.
$ ip rule flush
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The command "ip rule flush" is used in Linux systems to remove all the routing rules configured in the IP rule table.

In Linux, the IP rule table is a set of rules that determine how the network traffic should be routed. These rules define criteria for matching packets and specify the actions to be taken for the matching packets. Each rule has a priority assigned to it, and the rules are processed in the order of their priority.

When the "ip rule flush" command is executed, it removes all the rules from the IP rule table, effectively clearing the routing rules. This means that any configuration or customization made in the rule table will be erased, and the system will revert to its default routing behavior.

It is important to exercise caution while using this command as it can potentially disrupt network connectivity if not used correctly. It is recommended to have a backup or understanding of the existing rules before executing this command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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