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ip: List interfaces with brief link layer info.
$ ip -brief link
try on your machine

The command "ip -brief link" is used to display a brief summary of network interfaces and their status.

Here is a breakdown of each component:

  • "ip" refers to the command used for network configuration in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.
  • "-brief" is an option for the "ip" command that specifies a brief or concise output format.
  • "link" refers to the type of information we want to display, specifically network links or network interfaces.

When you run "ip -brief link" in the terminal, you will see a summary of network interfaces in a table-like format. It typically includes the interface name, interface type, state (UP or DOWN), and the link status (e.g., whether it is running or disconnected).

This command is useful to quickly check the status of network interfaces on a system without needing to retrieve detailed information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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