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ipcalc: Show information about an address or network with a given subnet mask.
$ ipcalc ${1-2-3-4} ${255-255-255-0}
try on your machine

The command you provided:

ipcalc ${1-2-3-4} ${255-255-255-0}

seems to have incorrect syntax. The curly brackets and the dashes inside them are not part of a valid IP address. Based on the intentions of the command, it appears that you want to run the ipcalc command with two arguments representing an IP address and a netmask.

Assuming you meant to substitute the numbers inside the curly brackets with valid IP address and netmask values, the correct command could look something like this:


Here's an explanation of the command:

  • ipcalc is a utility used to calculate various properties of IP addresses and network configurations.
  • represents the IP address you want to calculate properties for. Substitute it with a valid IP address you want to work with.
  • represents the netmask (subnet mask) associated with the IP address. Substitute it with a valid netmask value you want to use.

By running this command, the ipcalc utility will perform calculations and provide information about the IP address and netmask, which may include details like network address, broadcast address, number of host addresses, etc.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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