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ipcrm: Delete a semaphore by ID.
$ ipcrm --semaphore-id ${semaphore_id}
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The command ipcrm --semaphore-id ${semaphore_id} is used to remove or delete a specific semaphore in a UNIX/Linux system.

Here's a breakdown of the components of the command:

  • ipcrm: It is a command-line utility used to remove or list System V InterProcess Communication (IPC) objects such as shared memory segments, message queues, and semaphores.

  • --semaphore-id: This option tells the ipcrm command that we want to remove a semaphore. A semaphore is an IPC object used for process synchronization and coordination.

  • ${semaphore_id}: This is a variable that holds the specific identifier (also known as the semaphore ID) of the semaphore we want to remove. It is usually a numeric value that uniquely identifies a particular semaphore in the system.

By executing this command with the appropriate semaphore ID, the specified semaphore will be deleted, freeing the system resources associated with it.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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