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iperf: Run on client.
$ iperf -c ${server_address}
try on your machine

The command "iperf -c ${server_address}" is used to measure the network performance between a client and a server using the iPerf tool.

Here's what each component of the command means:

  • "iperf" refers to the iPerf utility.
  • "-c" specifies that the client mode of iPerf should be used.
  • "${server_address}" is a placeholder for the IP address or hostname of the server to which the client will connect.

When executed, this command will establish a connection between the client running iPerf and the server specified by the server_address parameter. The client will send data to the server and measure various network statistics such as bandwidth, packet loss, and round trip time. These measurements help assess the network's performance and can be useful for troubleshooting or benchmarking network connections.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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