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iperf3: Reverse direction of the test. Server sends data to the client.
$ iperf3 -c ${server} -R
try on your machine

The command "iperf3 -c ${server} -R" is used to perform a network bandwidth measurement test between the host executing the command (as the client) and a remote server specified by the variable "${server}".

Here is the breakdown of each component of the command:

  • "iperf3" is the name of the command-line utility. It is a popular tool for measuring network performance.
  • "-c" is a flag indicating that the command is being used in the client mode.
  • "${server}" is a placeholder for the IP address or hostname of the remote server we want to test the network connection with. The actual value for the variable needs to be provided when executing the command.
  • "-R" is an option flag used to indicate that the test should be performed in reverse mode. In this mode, the server will send data to the client, rather than the other way around.

Overall, this command initiates a network bandwidth test on the client-side, connecting to the specified server, and measures the speed of the reverse data transfer from the server to the client.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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