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ipython: Start a REPL (interactive shell).
$ ipython
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The ipython command refers to the Interactive Python command-line interface (CLI) commonly used for interactive computing, data analysis, and scientific computing.

When you run the ipython command in your terminal or command prompt, it opens an interactive shell environment where you can execute Python code and immediately see the results. It provides a more powerful and user-friendly alternative to the standard Python shell (python) by offering additional features and capabilities.

Some of the features of IPython include:

  1. Tab Completion: You can press the Tab key to autocomplete code, variable and module names, saving you time and reducing typing errors.

  2. History: IPython stores your command history, allowing you to access and reuse previous commands using the up and down arrow keys.

  3. Magic Commands: IPython provides various "magic" commands that start with a % or %% prefix. These commands allow you to perform tasks like timing code execution, debugging, running shell commands, and more.

  4. Object introspection: If you want to explore an object or module, you can use IPython's object introspection capabilities by appending ? to an object's name to display information about it.

  5. Access to Shell Commands: With IPython, you can run shell commands directly from the interactive shell by prefixing the command with !.

Overall, ipython serves as an enhanced Python shell, providing a more interactive and productive environment for developing, experimenting, and debugging Python code.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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