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iscc: Quietly compile an Inno Setup installer.
$ iscc /Q ${path\to\file-iss}
try on your machine

The command "iscc /Q ${path\to\file-iss}" can be broken down into three parts:

  1. "iscc": This refers to the name of a program or command-line tool called "ISCC" (Inno Setup Compiler). Inno Setup is a free script-driven installation system for creating Windows installers. "iscc" is the executable file for the compiler.

  2. "/Q": This is an argument passed to the "iscc" command. In this case, "/Q" stands for "quiet" mode. It instructs the compiler to run in silent or quiet mode, which means it will not display any output or prompts during the compilation process. This can be useful for automation purposes or when you don't need to see the compiler's progress or messages.

  3. "${path\to\file-iss}": This is a placeholder or variable that represents the path to an Inno Setup script file (ending with the .iss extension). The actual path would need to be provided in place of "${path\to\file-iss}". The Inno Setup script file contains instructions for the compiler on how to package and install a software application. By specifying the path to the .iss file, the compiler knows which script to use for compiling the installer.

So, when you run the command "iscc /Q ${path\to\file-iss}", it runs the Inno Setup Compiler in quiet mode and compiles the Inno Setup script specified by the path to create an installer file according to the instructions in the script.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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