The command "isosize --divisor=${number} ${filename-iso}" is used to determine the size of an ISO image file, taking into account a divisor specified through the "number" variable.
Here's a breakdown of what each part of the command does:
"isosize" is the name of the command/utility being executed.
"--divisor=${number}" is an option/flag provided to the "isosize" command. It specifies the divisor that should be used for calculating the size of the ISO image. The value of the "number" variable is substituted into the command using the "${number}" syntax. The divisor can be any positive integer.
"${filename-iso}" is the argument passed to the "isosize" command. It specifies the name/location of the ISO image file for which the size needs to be determined. The value of the "filename-iso" variable is substituted into the command using the "${filename-iso}" syntax.
To use this command, you need to replace "${number}" with the actual positive integer divisor that you want to use, and "${filename-iso}" with the name/location of the ISO image file you want to check. Once you provide these values, the command will display the size of the ISO image file after dividing it by the specified divisor.