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iw: Close the current connection.
$ iw dev ${wlp} disconnect
try on your machine

The given command is used to disconnect a wireless network device.

  • iw is a command-line utility used for configuring and diagnosing wireless devices in Linux. It is commonly used to manage wireless network interfaces.
  • dev is a subcommand of iw that allows you to specify the wireless network device you want to manipulate.
  • ${wlp} is a placeholder variable that represents the specific wireless network device you intend to disconnect. You need to replace ${wlp} with the actual name of the wireless network interface you want to disconnect. For example, if your wireless network interface is named wlan0, you would replace ${wlp} with wlan0.
  • disconnect is a command used with iw to disconnect the specified wireless network interface from the currently connected network.

So when you run this command with the appropriate wireless network device name, it will disconnect that device from the network it is currently connected to.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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