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iw: Scan for available wireless networks.
$ iw dev ${wlp} scan
try on your machine

The command "iw dev ${wlp} scan" is used to scan for available wireless networks using the "iw" command-line utility. Here is a breakdown of the command:

  • "iw": This is the command-line utility to configure and view wireless network interfaces on Linux.
  • "dev": This parameter is used to specify that we want to perform operations on a specific wireless device.
  • "${wlp}": This is a placeholder that represents the name of the wireless network interface device. It could be something like "wlan0" or "wlp3s0". The actual name may vary based on the system configuration.
  • "scan": This is the operation we want to perform, which is scanning for available wireless networks.

By running this command, the system will initiate a wireless network scan on the specified network interface, and it will display information about the available networks, including their respective SSIDs (network names), signal strengths, frequencies, and security protocols.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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