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java: Display usage information for the java command.
$ java -help
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The command "java -help" is used to display the help manual or information about the available options and syntax of the Java Virtual Machine (JVM) or Java Runtime Environment (JRE).

When you execute "java -help" in the command line or terminal, you will see a list of available options and their descriptions, which can include:

  • "-version" or "-showversion": Displays the Java version information.
  • "-classpath" or "-cp": Specifies the directories or JAR files that contain Java class files.
  • "-jar": Executes a program encapsulated in a JAR file.
  • "-X" options: Sets specific JVM options, such as memory size, garbage collection algorithm, etc.
  • "-D" options: Sets system properties for the Java application.
  • "-agentlib" or "-agentpath": Loads native profiling or debugging libraries.
  • "-verbose" options: Provides more detailed information during program execution.

The "java -help" command is useful when you want to understand how to use various options offered by the Java runtime environment or when you need to troubleshoot and diagnose issues related to the Java environment.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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