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java_home: List JVMs based on a specific version.
$ java_home --version ${1-5+}
try on your machine

The command "java_home --version ${1-5+}" is not a valid command in itself.

However, the term "java_home" typically refers to an environment variable used on Unix-like operating systems (such as Linux or macOS). The "java_home" variable usually contains the path to the Java Development Kit (JDK) installation directory.

The "--version" flag is an option used with many command-line tools, including Java, to display the version of the software.

The "${1-5+}" part of the command is a construct used in some shells, such as Bash, to specify command-line arguments or parameters. It is used to represent an argument passed to the script or command, or it can be given a default value if no argument is provided.

In this case, "${1-5+}" suggests that the command is looking for an argument that should be a number. If an argument is provided, it will be used as the value. Otherwise, the value will default to "5+". The "+" character can be considered as a placeholder or a wildcard.

Overall, it seems like the command is trying to retrieve the version of the Java JDK installed by utilizing a "java_home" environment variable, and optionally accepting a parameter to modify the behavior or specify a version. But without more context or a proper command structure, it is impossible to determine the exact purpose or functionality of this specific command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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