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jcal: Display a calendar for a specific month and year.
$ jcal ${year} ${month}
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The given command "jcal ${year} ${month}" is a command-line command that utilizes the "jcal" command, which is typically used in Unix-like operating systems to display a Julian calendar.

Here's a breakdown of the elements in the command:

  • "jcal": This is the actual command that is used to display the Julian calendar. It is followed by the year and month parameters.

  • "${year}": This is a placeholder for the year parameter. The "$" symbol is used to denote a variable in a command-line context. The actual year value should be specified in place of "${year}" when using the command.

  • "${month}": This is a placeholder for the month parameter. Similar to the year parameter, the "$" symbol denotes a variable, so the actual month value should be specified in place of "${month}" when executing the command.

By substituting the appropriate values for "${year}" and "${month}", the command will generate and display the Julian calendar for the specified year and month.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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