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jdupes: Search multiple directories.
$ jdupes ${directory1} ${directory2}
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The command "jdupes ${directory1} ${directory2}" is used to find and list duplicate files present in directory1 and directory2 using the program called "jdupes". Here's a breakdown of the different components:

  • "jdupes": It refers to the program or command-line tool called "jdupes", which is designed to locate and handle duplicate files.
  • "${directory1}": This is a placeholder for the first directory path you want to search for duplicates in. You need to replace it with the actual directory path, for example, "/path/to/directory1". This could be any directory on your system.
  • "${directory2}": Similarly, this is a placeholder for the second directory path you want to compare against the first directory for duplicate files. Again, you need to replace it with the actual directory path, such as "/path/to/directory2".

By executing the command, "jdupes" will analyze the contents of both directory1 and directory2, identifying duplicate files based on their content (not just their names). It will then display a list of these duplicate files, allowing you to take further action if needed.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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