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jekyll: Clean the site (removes site output and `cache` directory) without building.
$ jekyll clean
try on your machine

The command "jekyll clean" is a command used in Jekyll, a static site generator.

When you run this command, it removes all the generated files and cleans up the site's destination directory.

The destination directory is the directory where the generated static HTML, CSS, and other files are stored after running the Jekyll build command. By default, this directory is "_site" in the root of your Jekyll project.

Running "jekyll clean" is useful when you want to start fresh and remove all the generated files before rebuilding your site. It helps eliminate any remnants from previous builds and ensures that you have a clean state before generating your site again.

After running "jekyll clean," you can run the "jekyll build" command to generate the site again.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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