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jekyll: Enable incremental regeneration.
$ jekyll serve --incremental
try on your machine

The command "jekyll serve --incremental" is used to start a local development server for a Jekyll website with incremental regeneration enabled.

Jekyll is a static site generator that converts plain text files into HTML, which can be hosted on a web server. The "serve" command allows you to preview your Jekyll site locally before deploying it.

The --incremental flag tells Jekyll to only rebuild the modified files since the last build. This means that when you make changes to your site's content or layout files, Jekyll will only regenerate the necessary parts instead of rebuilding the entire site. This can significantly improve the build time, especially for large websites.

By running the "jekyll serve --incremental" command, you can start a local development server that automatically regenerates your site whenever changes are detected. You can then view and interact with your site by opening your web browser and navigating to the specified local address (usually http://localhost:4000/ by default).

This command is commonly used during the development phase of a Jekyll site to quickly see the changes made without having to manually build and deploy the entire site each time.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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