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jekyll: Generate the current directory into `./_site`.
$ jekyll build
try on your machine

The command "jekyll build" is used in the Jekyll static site generator to build the website from the source files.

Jekyll is a tool that takes your plain text files, written in formats like Markdown or HTML, and transforms them into a full-fledged website. The build process converts these files into static HTML pages, ready to be deployed on a web server.

When you execute "jekyll build" command in your project directory, Jekyll looks for the source files, such as the Markdown or HTML files, along with any resource files like CSS, JavaScript, images, etc. It then processes and transforms these files according to the specified configuration (usually defined in a _config.yml file).

The build process involves converting the source files into HTML pages, applying layouts and themes, processing any Liquid templates or variables, applying the necessary static site optimizations, and generating the final output files. These files are typically placed in a "_site" folder (which can be modified in the configuration) at the root of your Jekyll project.

Overall, the "jekyll build" command is responsible for transforming your source files into a static website that can be hosted and served by a web server.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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