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jhipster: Generate a simple backend project.
$ jhipster --skip-client
try on your machine

The command "jhipster --skip-client" is used in the context of the JHipster (Java Hipster) development platform.

JHipster is a widely-used open-source platform that helps developers quickly generate, build, and deploy modern web applications and microservices. It combines various technologies such as Spring Boot, Angular, React, and many more.

When running the "jhipster" command, you typically generate a full-stack application that includes both the backend (server-side) and frontend (client-side) code. However, by adding the "--skip-client" option to the command, you are instructing JHipster to skip generating the frontend (client) code.

In other words, running "jhipster --skip-client" will generate only the backend code, including the server, database, entity models, REST API endpoints, and other related configurations. It is useful when you do not require a frontend or when you want to develop the frontend separately using a different technology stack.

Skipping the client generation can save time and resources, especially if you plan to build a purely backend service, create a headless API, or add a different frontend framework later.

Overall, the "jhipster --skip-client" command allows you to generate only the backend code while skipping the frontend code generation in the JHipster platform.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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