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joe: Open a new file in JOE.
$ joe
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The command "joe" refers to a text editor program that is primarily used in Unix-like operating systems. When you enter the "joe" command in the command line interface, it launches the Joe's Own Editor (JOE) program, allowing you to create and modify text files.

JOE is a powerful and feature-rich text editor that provides a user-friendly interface with keybindings and a menu system. It supports syntax highlighting for various programming languages, multiple windows or buffers, search and replace, spell checking, and many other functionalities.

By executing the "joe" command, you can open or create a text file within the editor, make changes to the content, save the changes, and exit the program when you're finished editing the file.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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