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journalctl: Delete journal logs which are older than 2 days.
$ journalctl --vacuum-time=${2d}
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The command "journalctl --vacuum-time=${2d}" is used to manage log files in the systemd journal.

Here is a breakdown of each element in the command:

  • "journalctl" is the command-line utility for querying and managing the systemd journal.
  • "--vacuum-time" is an option used to remove journal files older than a specific time period.
  • "${2d}" is a placeholder for the time period. In this case, it represents a duration of 2 days. The value "2d" can be replaced with "1w" for one week, "1month" for one month, and so on.

When executed, the command will remove journal files that are older than the specified time period, cleaning up the systemd journal logs to conserve disk space.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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