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jpegoptim: Optimise a set of JPEG images, retaining all associated data.
$ jpegoptim ${image1-jpeg} ${image2-jpeg} ${imageN-jpeg}
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This command is using the jpegoptim tool, which is a command-line utility for optimizing JPEG images. The command takes multiple image file paths as arguments and optimizes them.

${image1-jpeg}, ${image2-jpeg}, and ${imageN-jpeg} are placeholders that represent the paths to your JPEG image files. The actual paths should be provided instead of these placeholders.

For example, if your JPEG image filenames are image1.jpg, image2.jpg, and imageN.jpg, the command would be:

jpegoptim image1.jpg image2.jpg imageN.jpg

By running this command, jpegoptim will optimize the JPEG images by reducing their file size without significantly affecting the quality. This can be useful for reducing the storage space required for image files or improving web page load times by decreasing the image file size.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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