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jpegoptim: Force the output images to have a fixed maximum filesize.
$ jpegoptim --size=${250k} ${image1-jpeg} ${image2-jpeg} ${imageN-jpeg}
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This command is using the jpegoptim tool, which is used to optimize JPEG files.

The command is optimizing multiple JPEG files given as arguments, namely ${image1-jpeg}, ${image2-jpeg}, and ${imageN-jpeg}.

Additionally, it includes the --size option which is used to set a target file size for the optimized JPEG files. In this case, the target file size is set to ${250k}. ${250k} represents a desired file size of 250 kilobytes.

By using this command, jpegoptim will attempt to optimize the specified JPEG files to achieve a smaller file size while preserving the image quality as much as possible.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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