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julia: Evaluate a string of Julia code, passing arguments to it.
$ julia -e '${for x in ARGS; println(x); end}' ${arguments}
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This command is running the Julia programming language interpreter with the following options:

-e: Specifies that the subsequent string is code to be executed.

'${for x in ARGS; println(x); end}': This is the code to be executed. It is a for loop that iterates over the array of command-line arguments (ARGS) and prints each argument on a new line using the println() function.

${arguments}: This represents the command-line arguments passed to the script. It is used to replace the variable 'ARGS' in the code to be executed with the actual arguments.

So, when running this command, it will execute the code inside the single quotes ('${}'), which prints each command-line argument on a separate line. The 'arguments' variable will be replaced with the actual arguments provided when running the command.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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