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julia: Execute a Julia program that takes arguments.
$ julia ${program-jl} ${arguments}
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The command "julia ${program-jl} ${arguments}" is using the programming language Julia to execute a Julia program with certain arguments.

Here's the breakdown of the command:

  • "julia" is the command to invoke the Julia interpreter.
  • "${program-jl}" and "${arguments}" are placeholders denoting variables that should be substituted. Typically, these placeholders will be replaced with the actual values before running the command.

Let's assume the variables are substituted with actual values:

  • "${program-jl}" could be replaced with the path or name of a Julia program file (e.g., "my_program.jl") that you want to execute with the Julia interpreter.
  • "${arguments}" could be replaced with command-line arguments specific to your Julia program (e.g., "--input input_file.txt --output output_file.txt").

After substituting the variables, the command becomes something like: "julia my_program.jl --input input_file.txt --output output_file.txt".

By executing this command, the Julia interpreter will run the specified Julia program file ("my_program.jl") along with any provided command-line arguments.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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