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julia: Execute a Julia program and exit.
$ julia ${program-jl}
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The command julia ${program-jl} is not a specific command syntax but rather a placeholder for a command that incorporates variables. The command can be interpreted as follows:

  • julia: This refers to the executable or command line interface (CLI) for the Julia programming language. It is the program responsible for running Julia code.

  • ${program-jl}: This is a variable enclosed in braces ${}. It represents the name or path of a Julia program (script) that you want to execute. -jl is a common file extension used for Julia script files, so ${program-jl} implies a file named program.jl.

Therefore, when using this command, you would replace ${program-jl} with the specific name or path of your Julia program file. For example, if your Julia program is named hello.jl, the command would be rewritten as julia hello.jl to execute the hello.jl script using the Julia CLI.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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