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jupyter: Start JupyterLab, if installed, in the current directory.
$ jupyter lab
try on your machine

The command "jupyter lab" launches the JupyterLab interface, which is an interactive development environment for working with Jupyter notebooks, code files, and data exploration.

JupyterLab is an upgraded version of the original Jupyter Notebook interface, providing a more flexible and powerful user interface. It allows users to organize their work into panels and tabs, enabling more flexibility and productivity in terms of managing and visualizing code, data, and outputs.

When you run the "jupyter lab" command, it starts a local web server and opens the JupyterLab interface in your web browser. From there, you can create or open Jupyter notebooks, write and execute code, view the output, and access various features and tools provided by JupyterLab.

Overall, "jupyter lab" is a command used to launch the JupyterLab interface, providing an interactive and user-friendly environment for working with Jupyter notebooks and other coding tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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