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jupytext: Update all paired representations of a notebook.
$ jupytext --sync ${notebook-ipynb}
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The command "jupytext --sync ${notebook-ipynb}" is used to synchronize a Jupyter notebook file (.ipynb) with its paired text file representation (.py, .md, or .R).

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • "jupytext": This is the name of a command-line tool called Jupytext, which is used to convert Jupyter notebooks to different text formats.

  • "--sync": This argument tells Jupytext to synchronize the Jupyter notebook with its paired text file. Synchronization means that any changes made to the notebook will be reflected in the text file, and vice versa.

  • "${notebook-ipynb}": This is a placeholder for the actual file path of the Jupyter notebook you want to synchronize. You need to replace "${notebook-ipynb}" with the path to your specific notebook file.

When you execute this command in a terminal or command prompt, Jupytext will identify the Jupyter notebook file specified, convert it to the appropriate text format (based on the file extension of the paired text file), and save the synchronization between the notebook and the text file.

For example, if your notebook is named "example.ipynb" and the paired text file is "", you would run the command as: "jupytext --sync example.ipynb"

This would update the "" text file with any changes made to the "example.ipynb" notebook and vice versa.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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