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just: Initialize new justfile in project root.
$ just --init
try on your machine

The command "just --init" is used to initialize a new Justfile in a project directory.

"Just" is a command-line tool that helps automate tasks in development workflows. It uses a file called "Justfile" which contains a set of tasks and their respective commands.

By running "just --init", you are essentially creating a new Justfile in the current directory. This file will serve as a configuration file where you can define various tasks and their associated commands.

After initializing the Justfile, you can open it in a text editor and start defining your tasks by specifying their names and the shell commands or scripts you want to execute when those tasks are invoked.

Once the Justfile is set up, you can then use the "just" command followed by the task name to run the associated command or script. This helps streamline your development workflow by providing a convenient way to automate repetitive tasks.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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