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just: Print justfile.
$ just --dump
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The command "just --dump" is likely referring to the usage of the "just" tool with the "--dump" option. "Just" is a command runner and build tool that simplifies running commands and managing tasks. The "--dump" option is used to display a list of the available tasks and their descriptions defined within the justfile.

By running "just --dump," the tool will analyze the justfile, which is a file usually named "justfile" or "justfile.yaml" that contains a collection of tasks and their shell commands or other dependencies. It will then display a listing of the defined tasks in the terminal, along with any descriptions included for each task.

This command helps provide an overview of the tasks available and allows users to understand the purpose of each task based on its description.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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