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k6: Run load test on cloud infrastructure.
$ k6 cloud ${script-js}
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The command "k6 cloud ${script-js}" is used to execute a load testing script written in JavaScript on the k6 cloud platform.

Here's how different parts of the command work:

  • "k6" is the command-line interface (CLI) tool for running k6 performance tests.
  • "cloud" is the sub-command that instructs k6 to execute the script on the k6 cloud platform.
  • "${script-js}" represents the path or filename of the JavaScript script you want to execute. You would need to replace this with the actual path or filename of your script.

By running this command, k6 will interpret and execute the JavaScript code written in your script file on the k6 cloud platform, which allows you to perform distributed load testing with multiple virtual users generating traffic against your target system. The k6 cloud platform provides additional features like real-time test execution insights, collaboration tools, and integrations with various third-party services.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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