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k8sec: List all secrets.
$ k8sec list
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The command "k8sec list" is related to Kubernetes security.

  • "k8sec" refers to a command-line tool or a Kubernetes utility specifically designed for managing and enhancing the security of Kubernetes clusters.
  • "list" is a command used with "k8sec" to display a list of security-related resources within a Kubernetes cluster.

When executed, the "k8sec list" command presents a collection of security resources or configurations present in the Kubernetes cluster. These resources can include security policies, role-based access controls (RBAC), network security policies, security contexts, security-related custom resource definitions (CRDs), and more.

By listing the security resources, administrators and security teams can have an overview of the current security settings of the cluster, review the existing configurations, identify any potential vulnerabilities, and ensure that the necessary security measures are in place.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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