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kahlan: Run specifications with code coverage (detail can be between 0 and 4).
$ kahlan --coverage=${detail_level}
try on your machine

This is a command that is using the "kahlan" command line tool, and passing a value for the "--coverage" option.

In this particular command, the value for the "--coverage" option is set to "${detail_level}". It seems like the value is a variable expression, possibly intended to be replaced with an actual value. The actual value of the variable would determine the level of coverage detail that will be generated during the execution of the "kahlan" tool.

The "kahlan" tool is typically used for testing PHP code. By specifying the "--coverage" option, you can generate code coverage reports that show which parts of the code were executed during the testing process. The value of "${detail_level}" might refer to different levels or types of coverage detail (e.g., line-by-line, branch coverage, etc.), but without more context, it's not possible to determine the exact meaning of that variable.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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