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$ config credentials --server ${host} --realm ${realm_name} --user ${username} --password ${password}
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This command is used to configure the credentials (user authentication information) for the Keycloak Admin Command Line Interface (CLI) tool called "".

Here's a breakdown of the command and its arguments:

  • This is the executable file for the Keycloak Admin CLI tool.
  • config credentials: This is the operation/command that tells the CLI to configure the user credentials.
  • --server ${host}: This specifies the Keycloak server's hostname or IP address using the ${host} variable.
  • --realm ${realm_name}: This specifies the name of the realm (security domain) within Keycloak using the ${realm_name} variable.
  • --user ${username}: This specifies the username to be used for authentication using the ${username} variable.
  • --password ${password}: This specifies the password for the provided username using the ${password} variable.

By running this command with the appropriate values for ${host}, ${realm_name}, ${username}, and ${password}, the Keycloak Admin CLI will be configured with the necessary credentials to interact with the Keycloak server, such as managing users, roles, and other configuration settings.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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