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$ create users -s username=${username} -r ${realm_name}
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This is a command used in the Keycloak Command Line Interface (CLI) tool, specifically the "" script. It creates a new user in a Keycloak realm.

Here's a breakdown of the command:

  • Refers to the Keycloak CLI script that allows administrators to manage and configure Keycloak realms and users via the command line.

  • create users: Specifies the operation to create a new user.

  • -s username=${username}: Sets the username of the new user. The value is typically passed as an environment variable ${username} where you assign the desired username.

  • -r ${realm_name}: Specifies the target realm where the user will be created. The value is typically passed as an environment variable ${realm_name} where you define the desired realm name.

Overall, this command would be used to create a user in a Keycloak realm specified by ${realm_name} with the username set to ${username}.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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