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kcat: List metadata for all topics and brokers.
$ kcat -L -b ${brokers}
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The command "kcat -L -b ${brokers}" is used to run the Kafka cat (kcat) tool with certain options.

  • "kcat" is a command-line tool for Kafka developed by Confluent. It allows you to interact with Kafka clusters, consuming and producing messages from topics.

  • "-L" is a parameter that stands for "list" and is used to list the available topics in the Kafka cluster.

  • "-b" is a parameter that stands for "brokers" and is used to specify the list of Kafka brokers to connect to. In this command, the value of "${brokers}" is a variable that should be replaced with the actual list of brokers.

In summary, the command "kcat -L -b ${brokers}" is used to list the topics available in a Kafka cluster with the specified list of brokers.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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