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kcat: Publish messages by reading from a file.
$ kcat -P -t ${topic} -b ${brokers} ${filename}
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The command provided is using the kcat utility to consume messages from a Kafka topic.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • kcat: This is the command-line utility used for interacting with Apache Kafka.
  • -P: This flag sets the mode to be a producer, but in this case, it seems unnecessary and can be ignored as it is not relevant for consuming messages.
  • -t ${topic}: This flag specifies the topic from which to consume messages. ${topic} is a placeholder that should be replaced with the actual name of the topic.
  • -b ${brokers}: This flag specifies the list of Kafka brokers to connect to. ${brokers} is a placeholder and should be replaced with the actual broker addresses.
  • ${filename}: This is the name of the file where the consumed messages will be written. ${filename} is another placeholder that needs to be replaced with the desired filename.

Overall, this command instructs the kcat utility to consume messages from the specified Kafka topic and write them into a file. The ${topic}, ${brokers}, and ${filename} placeholders need to be replaced with the appropriate values specific to your Kafka setup.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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