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kcat: Get offset for a topic/partition for a specific point in time.
$ kcat -Q -t ${topic}:${partition}:${unix_timestamp} -b ${brokers}
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The command you provided is using the kcat tool with some arguments. kcat is a command-line utility that is part of the librdkafka package, which is a C/C++ library implementation of the Apache Kafka protocol.

Here is the breakdown of the command:

  • kcat: This is the command itself, invoking the kcat tool from the command line.
  • -Q: This flag stands for "quick mode". Enabling this flag makes kcat produce messages quickly by skipping some default configurations like message compression, validation, and buffering.
  • -t ${topic}:${partition}:${unix_timestamp}: This argument specifies the topic, partition, and the Unix timestamp for consuming messages from Kafka. Here, ${topic} is a placeholder for the actual topic name, ${partition} is a placeholder for the partition number, and ${unix_timestamp} is a placeholder for the Unix timestamp.
  • -b ${brokers}: This argument specifies the Kafka broker(s) to connect with. Here, ${brokers} is a placeholder for the actual broker address(es).

To summarize, the command is using kcat in quick mode to consume messages from a specified topic, partition, and Unix timestamp, connecting to the specified Kafka broker(s).

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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