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kde-inhibit: Launch VLC, and inhibit color correction (night mode) while it's running.
$ kde-inhibit --colorCorrect ${vlc}
try on your machine

The command "kde-inhibit --colorCorrect ${vlc}" is used in a Unix-like operating system, such as Linux, that has the KDE desktop environment installed.

The command itself consists of three parts:

  1. "kde-inhibit": This is the executable command to run the KDE inhibit tool. It is used to prevent certain actions from taking place while a program is running.
  2. "--colorCorrect": This is an option or flag passed to the "kde-inhibit" command. It specifies that the inhibition is related to color correction.
  3. "${vlc}": This is a variable placeholder that is expected to be replaced with the actual command or path to the VLC media player program.

Overall, the command is used to inhibit or prevent color correction actions while the VLC media player is running in a KDE desktop environment. This could be useful if you want to avoid any interference or conflicts between color correction settings of KDE and VLC.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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