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kdenlive: Set a specific log level for an MLT environment.
$ kdenlive --mlt-log ${select}
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The command "kdenlive --mlt-log ${select}" is used to open the Kdenlive video editing application with the specified MLT (Media Lovin' Toolkit) log file and selected project.

Here's a breakdown of the command components:

  • "kdenlive": It is the command to launch the Kdenlive application.
  • "--mlt-log": It is an option to specify the MLT log file to open with Kdenlive. The MLT log file contains information about the actions and operations performed on a video project.
  • "${select}": It is a placeholder that represents the specific MLT log file and selected project to be opened. It should be replaced with the actual file and project name or location.

By running this command and providing the appropriate MLT log file and project, Kdenlive will launch with the specified project and display the MLT log, allowing users to review past actions and track any issues or changes made.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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