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keepass2: Start KeePass 2, opening a specific password database.
$ keepass2 ${path-to-database-kbdx}
try on your machine

This command runs the Keepass2 program with a specific Keepass database file.

  • '${path-to-database-kbdx}' is a placeholder that represents the actual path to the Keepass database file you want to open. You need to replace it with the correct path on your system.

  • 'keepass2' is the command to execute the Keepass2 program. It is followed by the path to the Keepass database file (provided as the argument '${path-to-database-kbdx}').

Overall, this command launches Keepass2 and opens the specified Keepass database file for you to access and manage your stored passwords and other sensitive information.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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