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keybase: Revoke current device, log out, and delete local data.
$ keybase deprovision
try on your machine

The command "keybase deprovision" is used to deprovision or remove a Keybase account from a device or system. Keybase is a platform that provides end-to-end encryption for messaging, file sharing, and other services.

When you run the "keybase deprovision" command, it will trigger the process of removing your Keybase account credentials, including your private key, from the device or system you are using. This essentially logs you out and removes the account from the device.

By deprovisioning your Keybase account, you ensure that no one can access your account or associated data on that specific device. This command is useful if you want to revoke access or ensure security in case your device is lost or compromised.

It's important to note that this command only removes the account from the device or system and does not delete the account altogether. If you want to permanently delete your Keybase account, you will need to perform additional steps, typically using the Keybase web interface or contacting Keybase support.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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