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kill: List available signal names (to be used without the `SIG` prefix).
$ kill -l
try on your machine

The command "kill -l" is used in Unix-like operating systems to list all the available signals that can be sent to processes using the "kill" command.

In Unix, signals are used to communicate with processes and tell them to perform certain actions. Commonly used signals include terminating a process, stopping a process, resuming a stopped process, or restarting a process.

By running the "kill -l" command, a user can see a list of all the available signals and their corresponding numbers. The output of this command typically includes numbers from 1 to 31, each representing a specific signal. For example, signal number 9 is commonly used to terminate a process forcefully.

Overall, the "kill -l" command is useful for understanding the signals available for managing processes and for selecting the appropriate signal when using the "kill" command to interact with processes.

This explanation was created by an AI. In most cases those are correct. But please always be careful and never run a command you are not sure if it is safe.
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